Today’s cleanup is a special one, because it is in memory of Ben Basha, son of Holly Hogan, who is both a friend and supporter of CHI.

Ben’s birthday is May 28, and in the coming years we will dedicate all clean-ups on this day to Ben’s memory. Ben, this one is for you!

It was a beautiful day, and we headed out to River Head, near Brigus NL, where we recovered about 500 lbs of debris, including:

  • 20 aluminum cans
  • 32 old bottles
  • a rubber buoy
  • a pedal bike
  • 2 tires
  • a little vinyl siding
  • a boat battery
  • one control cable from a boat
  • one piece of aluminium siding
  • some fiberglass
  • several plastic containers

One of the tires we recovered was far too heavy for us to get up without the help of the hydraulics. After we got out of our dive gear Shawn went and got the boat, this was the first time we had to try the hydraulic system we had donated to us… and happy to report she worked like a charm!